Alien Almost-Abduction: A True Story(I shit you not)
The following is a true story. You might think this whole ordeal is kind of funny, or that people who believe in this sort of wacky I-have-been-clinically-examined-by-aliens is all bullshit, and that people who claim these wild and crazy claims should seek serious medical attention. But if YOU've been this close to getting abducted by aliens, you wouldn't be smiling…
I remeber the day being a very sultry one. Well, that's not unusual since Taegu at this time of the summer is known to be one of the hottest cities in Korea, but it was unusually hot and damp that day. Maybe my memory of the day's weather is still very poignant because the incident that occured that night had changed my whole life.
As a kid, our family used to spend a lot of time in Taegu during the summer vacations, away from Seoul, to visit our grandparents who had lived their when I attended elemetary school in Seoul. I was a pretty normal kid, had a normal childhood in a pretty normal family, eating normal Korean food, not taking too many aspirins, etc etc. (I did start drinking coffee at an early age, though).
I think it was when I was in kindergarten when this close encounter happened to me. All my relatives had gathered at my grandparents' house from all parts of Korea for a few days, and like most Korean families we all slept on the floor on blankets(called "yo"s). I slept in the master bedroom, next to my many uncles and our grandfather, so I'd figured there was very little chance that "they"would pick small, skinny ole me over these other grown ups around me. They would make more interesting specimens, I thought. But I was wrong.
I had always been a shallow sleeper, being waken up to event he slightest noise.
So that night, I was woken up by an incomprehensible murmer of what I first thought were human voices, and the sound of some kind of truck/engine which preceded this murmur. I tried to figure out what these people were talking about so late at night(or maybe very early in the morning-there was no way for me tell what time of the night it was, but it felt like 4~5 AM), but to my horror, I could not understand what these people were saying to eachother. It wasn't that the voices were distant or indistinct-no, the voices rang clear in the living room. Needless to say, I was scared shit, and did what every kindergartener scared to death would do: wrapped my balnket around me like a little maggot. Don't forget, it was a very hot night, and very soon I was bathing in sweat. My bladder needed urgent relief, and I had trouble breathing under the tight covers of my blanket. But I dared not expose any part of my flesh to the "beings" out there in the very living room of my grandparents. What were they doing there? Where were they from? I tried to breathe in very shallow breaths to make sure they didn't detect that I was awake, for they would zap me to smithereens with their gun, or perform some horrible experiments on me like the Japanese/Nazis did during the War. Boy, was I shitting bricks(big big sweaty ones)… .
Then there was some sort of a "metallic" sound. It was rather loud, and continued for what seemed like eternity, and I was hoping that one of my uncles would wake up,
To be continued.